There were theives, adulters, homosexuals, money lovers, people with too much love, people with too much hate and more. I sat in the booth and person after person walked into the booth beside it and rambeled on about their sins. I didn't know if it was true, how could i? But it's what they wanted to hear and it's what the bible said was true so that's what i had to do. I sigh and walk out into the church and into the booth where i would be listening to peoples sins and telling them that with the right amount of prayer and faith, they would be forgiven. It didn't work, unfortunately my hair was unattainable. "Good morning Father Castiel." They greeted in turn, i smile and nod in their direction, greeting them back as i walk into the church and into my office where i get into my robes and smooth out my hair. It took half an hour to finally get there and by the time i did, there were people already queing up outside the church, waiting for me to do confessions. "That's it!" I start walking towards church, knowing that i'll never get the car working, whistling to myself as i went. Repress your anger and it will go away." I breath in deeply and open my eyes to the bright day, smiling. Just calm down, you know what happens when you get to angry.

I sigh and get out of the car, slamming the door shut angrily and take a deep breath in and out, closing my eyes. I groan and slam my head on the steering wheel, fed up with the whole thing. "START YOU STUPID JUNK!" I shout loudly, banging on the steering wheel of my old banger car which was spluttering as i tried to turn the key in the ignition. Cas (POV) *Warning: Casterbation (this is a thing now as i've read it in other fanfics ) )